Step 1: Visit to view our Top 10 items.
Step 2: Within the Top 10, click the blue “Add To List” button to instantly add your desired item to your list, displayed on the right side of your screen.
Step 3: To manually add items to your list, click on the red “Shopping List” button on the right side of your screen. There you can add each item to your list by typing it in the “Add Item To List” box and clicking the red “+” button. To separate your shopping list items by department, simply type in that item and then select its department in the box to the right.
Step 4: Once you are satisfied with your list, you can save it on our site by clicking the “Save List” button at the bottom right area of your screen. Simply enter your email address and your list will be saved for later at
Step 5: If you would like to print your Shopping List, click the “Print List” button at the bottom right of your screen. If you would like to Email your list to yourself or another recipient, click the “Email List” button.